
Battle of the Cultures 2024

{TITLE}Battle of the Cultures 2024{/TITLE}

{DESC}Have you ever wondered which association does theater best? Do you just want to witness a great show? Join us during the Battle of the Cultures, where NEST, InSPE and Pro Deo will battle each other with entertaining theatrical performances.{/DESC}

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The Battle of the Cultures is a tradition amongst the three theater associations active at the University of Twente. Each year, an epic battle will determine who can wear the crown of being the undisputed greatest theater association, until the next battle. The three teams of NEST, InSPE and Pro Deo try to win over the judges and the audience in several rounds, displaying everything from musical theater to improvised theater.
During this fun competition, seasoned actors, accustomed to working with scripts for their brilliant plays, will step out of their comfort zone and leave the scripts behind. They will test their skills in the world of improvisation, where quick thinking and creativity reign.
On the other hand, masters of improvisational theater will take on the challenge of sticking to longer formats and (possibly, in some way) scripted scenes, which deviates from their usual spontaneous performances. It will be a clash that pushes the boundaries of both forms of theater and showcases the versatility and talent of each group.
As the audience, you have the privilege of witnessing this collision of theatrical styles and ultimately deciding who will claim the champion title of this year’s cultural showdown. Join us for an unforgettable evening of entertainment, where the lines between scripted and improvisational theater blur.


{WHEN}2024/12/05 19:30{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Amphitheatre, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€3,00 with UnionCard
€5,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82




Are you not able to pay in advance, but still want to make sure you have a seat? Reserve using the button below.


midsommer nights dream interNEST 2023-062



{DESC}It’s the roaring twenties. A vaudeville group celebrates their anniversary and you are invited! Become part of the feverish rhythm as they are performing acts – while totally ignoring the prohibition. But as the night progresses, some masks might come off…{/DESC}

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{DESCLONG}It’s the roaring twenties. A vaudeville group celebrates their anniversary and you are invited! Become part of the feverish rhythm of the group as they are performing their acts and take you into their welcoming arms – while totally ignoring all the rules of the prohibition. But beware, as the night progresses and the heat rises, some masks might come off and people may not be what they seem…

Speakeasy is an immersive show that rolls itself kicking and cursing across the stage – a night where even Jay Gatsby would be jealous of. So what are you waiting for? Let’s make this night last for forever!

Come watch our InterNEST group. Reserve your tickets using the button at the bottom of this page.{/DESCLONG}

{WHEN}2025/06/20 20:00 = 2025/06/21 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82



wedding singer promo pic landscape_1 - Framkoosje Lecq

The Wedding Singer

{TITLE}The Wedding Singer{/TITLE}

{DESC}Het hart van de bruiloftszanger Robbie is dramatisch gebroken. De hupsende serveerster Julia wilt trouwen met de geldwolf Glen en als ze Robbie uit zijn jammerdal probeert te trekken, slaat er onverwachts een vonk over…{/DESC}

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{DESCLONG}Robbie Hart is a charismatic wedding singer who’s finally going to marry. But when his fiancé abandons him at the wedding, his hart is broken in a thousand miserable, dramatic pieces. Meanwhile, the happy go lucky ray of sunshine Julia can’t wait to marry the selfish money grubber Glen. When she tries to pull Robbie from his pit of dispair, a spark between them ignites that changes both their lives in unimaginable ways.

Come watch this Dutch Musical Performance. Reserve your tickets using the button at the bottom of this page.{/DESCLONG}

{WHEN}2025/05/23 20:00 = 2025/05/24 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82



unnamed - Nico González-Pérez

The Fragmented

{TITLE}The Fragmented{/TITLE}

{DESC}Jyn finds the diary of someone called Rosianne, a victim of Jyn’s father, the royal alchemist, who had found a way to extract fragments of people’s personality. What happened to Rosianne? And for whom are those personality fragments?{/DESC}

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{DESCLONG}In between their study materials on alchemy, Jyn finds a diary, the diary of someone called Rosianne. It tells the story of her attempt to stop Jyn’s father, the royal alchemist. The alchemist had found a way to extract fragments of people’s personality, in order to give them to someone else. Rosianne was one of the victims of this extraction. What happens to Rosianne? And for whom are those personality fragments?

Come watch this TheatreLab performance. Reserve your tickets using the button at the bottom of this page.{/DESCLONG}

{WHEN}2025/05/16 20:00 = 2025/05/17 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82



no mans land - Framkoosje Lecq

No Man’s Land

{TITLE}No Man’s Land{/TITLE}

{DESC}Amidst a world in upheaval, a boy is separated from his closest friend. As they endure both kindness and cruelty, their special bond guides them through hardship with unwavering resilience and devotion. Can their friendship survive the darkest of times?{/DESC}

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{DESCLONG}Amidst a world in upheaval, a young boy is torn from his closest companion, setting them on separate journeys through unforgiving times. As they face kindness and cruelty, hope and despair, their bond is tested by distance, hardship, and uncertainty. Through the chaos, the memory of what they mean to each other remains a guiding force—one that refuses to fade, no matter how uncertain the road ahead.

This is a story of resilience and devotion, of deep friendship and a connection that endures against all odds. As the world around them changes forever, one question remains: can their bond withstand the test of the darkest of times?

Come watch our Toneel group. Reserve your tickets using the button at the bottom of this page.


{WHEN}2025/05/02 20:00 = 2025/05/03 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82



Dracula promo - Nicolas Gonzalez

Open Lessons

{TITLE}Open Lessons{/TITLE}

{DESC}On the first 3 Tuesdays and Thursdays of the new academic year, Theatre Association NEST will have Open Lessons again! These lessons are a fun way to find out if theatre might be something for you! We have something for everyone, with both Dutch and English lessons, and 4 different groups. Even if you don’t want to be on stage, you are welcome to join, since we are always looking for people that can help behind the scenes with making props, decor, make-up, etc. Does this sound fun to you? Please come by!{/DESC}

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On the first 3 Tuesdays and Thursdays of the new academic year, Theatre Association NEST will have Open Lessons again! These lessons are a fun way to find out if theatre might be something for you! We have something for everyone, with both Dutch and English lessons, and 4 different groups. Even if you don’t want to be on stage, you are welcome to join, since we are always looking for people that can help behind the scenes with making props, decor, make-up, etc. Does this sound fun to you? Please come by or check below for more information!

You can sign up for the open lessons using the button below. Signing up is not mandatory (you can also just show up) but it helps us in preparation, to know how many people are coming.


{WHEN}2024/09/03 19:15 = 2024/09/05 19:15 = 2024/09/10 19:15 = 2024/09/12 19:15 = 2024/09/17 19:15 = 2024/09/19 19:15{/WHEN}

{RESERVE_EXCLUDE}2024/09/03 19:15 = 2024/09/07 19:15 = 2024/09/05 19:15 = 2024/09/12 19:15 = 2024/09/17 19:15 = 2024/09/19 19:15{/RESERVE_EXCLUDE}

{WHERE}Tuesdays: Amphitheatre, Vrijhof
Thursdays: Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}






TheatreLab (EN)

TUESDAY 3, 10 AND 17 SEP – 19:15 @ Amphitheatre, Vrijhof

Our TheatreLab group rehearses on Tuesdays and crafts complete performances from scratch. They write, act, build sets, props — every facet. The group will be led by Francesco Bekkema.

Does this seem like something you want to be part of? Join the open lessons in the first 3 weeks of the academic year on Tuesday the 3th, 10th and 17th of September at 19:15 in the Amphitheatre, Vrijhof.

Toneel (EN/NL)

THURSDAY 5, 12 AND 19 SEP – 19:15 @ Agora, Vrijhof

Toneel does script theatre and rehearses every Thursday. Coming year this group will be playing a play about World War I, where the two sides of the war will be played in different languages. So no matter which language you speak, or if you prefer to act in Dutch or English, you can join this group! The group is directed by Wout Hofstede. 

Wanna join this play? Come to the open lesson on the first 3 Thursdays of the academic year, on September 5, 12 and 19. Check our website for more info on the other groups.

Musical (NL)

DINSDAG 3, 10 EN 17 SEP – 19:15 @ Amphitheatre, Vrijhof

Onze musical groep repeteert op dinsdagen en voert elk jaar een Nederlands stuk op aan het eind van het jaar. Komend jaar werkt musical aan een uitvoering van “The Wedding Singer”, een romantische komedie. Bij de musical groep wordt er met veel vrolijkheid hard gewerkt aan spel, zang en dans. Kom de sfeer proeven op een open les op de eerste 3 dinsdagen van het academisch jaar. De eerste open les zal focussen op acteren, de tweede op zang en de derde op dans. De musical groep wordt geleid door Marike Vijver en Saskia Hidding.

Lijkt het jou leuk om hier deel van uit te maken? Kom dan naar onze open lesson op dinsdag 3, 10 en 17 september om 19:15 in het Amphitheater, Vrijhof

InterNEST (EN)

THURSDAY 5, 12 AND 19 SEP – 19:15 @ Agora, Vrijhof

Our InterNEST group rehearses on Thursdays and performs an English play at the end of the year. This year InterNEST will be doing the play Speakeasy. This will be an immersive show, so the audience will actually be ‘immersed’ into the play. This show is about a party during the roaring twenties and the audience will be part of the show. The group is directed by Erik Goetjaer. Erik plans to work hard, but also bring a lot of fun into rehearsals.

The first open lesson will focus on natural acting. The second open lesson will be about stage combat. The final open lesson will focus on theatrical intimacy. You can find some details about how and why this will be discussed in the open lesson below.

Would you like a taste of what it is like? Join the open lessons in the first 3 weeks of the academic year at Thursday the 5th, 12th and 19th of September at 19:15 in the Agora, Vrijhof.

More details about the theatrical intimacy open lesson

On the stage we have so many moments in which we need intimate scenes. From people who are giving each other a hug to people playing an intimate love scene. But how do we do that without crossing each other’s boundaries? Having respect for each other and seeing the scene as “stage choreo” instead of “real intimate feelings” is of the essence. And my boundaries can be somewhere else today than tomorrow. How do we handle these scenes on stage?

As Speakeasy will have close intimacy involved, the director found it very important to handle this with the utmost care. Therefore he took a course of staging intimacy in this day and age. We want to make everyone feel comfortable and safe while staging these scenes. 

This open lesson will take you into the basics of setting boundaries and handling intimacy on stage. We won’t be doing any “heavy stuff”, or intimate touching during the open lesson.


This is a show containing a few sensitive subjects. Rehearsals are in a safe space and we will always listen to you. Due to the mature themes in the show, actors must be at least 18 years old by the first rehearsal.


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The Crucible

{TITLE}The Crucible{/TITLE}

{DESC}Experience Salem´s horror in “The Crucible” as truth battles deception. Unveil dark secrets of the Witch Trials, where revenge and hysteria collide, challenging justice and morality. Delve into Salem´s tumultuous past, questioning societal norms.{/DESC}

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Written by Arthur Miller

In this horror-centric performance of “The Crucible”, the town of Salem becomes the location for a compelling interplay between truth and deception. Discover the dark and horrific secrets of the Salem Witch Trials, where personal desires for revenge intertwine with a mass hysteria that threatens to engulf everything in its path. Explore the justice, morality, and human resilience of the inhabitants of Salem which will make you question the very foundation of societal norms. Prepare for a journey where accusations fly and the struggle for truth continues at the core of Salem’s turbulent past.


{WHEN}2024/06/30 15:00 = 2024/07/01 19:15{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Amphitheatre, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}





Are you not able to pay in advance, but still want to make sure you have a seat? Reserve using the button below.

Check our Layman’s Guide to Show Etiquette


Carrie Poster16-9



{DESC}Carrie, een eenzame tiener, worstelt met pesten en een fanatiek religieuze moeder. Haar ontdekking van telekinetische krachten dwingt haar tot een confrontatie met haar pesters. Deze supernatuurlijke horrormusical is gebaseerd op het boek van Stephen King.{/DESC}

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Carrie is een eenzame tiener wiens grootste droom is om erbij te horen. Op school wordt ze gepest, wat een hoogtepunt bereikt als ze ongesteld wordt tijdens het douchen na gym. Bij haar moeder, doorgeslagen in haar religie, kan ze niet terecht. Zal ze haar telekinetische krachten durven te gebruiken als haar klasgenoten te ver gaan? Deze supernatuurlijke horrormusical is gebaseerd op het boek van Stephen King.

Muziek: Michael Gore / Liedteksten: Dean Pitchford / Script: Lawrence D. Cohen / Vertaling: Matthijs Vandekinderen & Ruben Vanden Broucke

Music published / licensed by:
© Concord Theatricals, Londen / Albersen Verhuur B.V., ‘s-Gravenhage


{WHEN}2024/06/20 20:00 = 2024/06/21 20:00 = 2024/06/22 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82




Is het niet mogelijk voor je om vooraf te betalen, maar wil je wel zeker weten dat je een plekje hebt? Reserveer een ticket hieronder.

Check our Layman’s Guide to Show Etiquette



Burnt Sugar

{TITLE}Burnt Sugar{/TITLE}

{DESC}Wake up babe, the new TheatreLab show just dropped! Burnt Sugar: A story of holding on and letting go; of the ones we love and the ones we don’t.{/DESC}

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TheatreLab presents: Burnt Sugar.

A story of holding on and letting go; of the ones we love and the ones we don’t.
When Kenna returns from a long stay in the hospital, she is met with a whirlwind of eccentric relatives. Her “welcome back” party quickly turns sour when Kenna reveals the unpleasant truth.
Her brother Oscar refuses to grapple with this cruel new reality and decides to make a gamble. The already flawed family threatens to unravel; a surge of old feuds, careless gossip, petty squabbles, and the construction of a house of cards.

After last year’s “The Worst One Yet” and “Fresh Start: A Space Show”, Theatrelab returns with an all new attempt at teetering the line between mystical absurdity, and grounded sincerity.
Theatrelab – a tight knit bunch of students led by Julia de Klerk and Jasper Kolnaar– are excited to show the result of a year’s worth of toil, sweat, and unhinged creativity.


{WHEN}2024/05/16 20:00 = 2024/05/17 20:00 = 2024/05/18 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82




Are you not able to pay in advance, but still want to make sure you have a seat? Reserve using the button below.


WhatsApp Image 2024-04-25 at 13.25.36_d07216f9



{DESC}Jonathan Harker gaat naar Transsylvanië voor een vastgoeddeal met Graaf Dracula. Hij ontdekt de duistere geheimen van de Graaf en moet snel handelen om zijn geliefden te redden van het kwaad. Kan hij Dracula verslaan voordat het te laat is?{/DESC}

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Gebaseerd op het originele verhaal van Bram Stoker.

Jonathan Harker vertrekt naar Transsylvanië voor een vastgoedtransactie met Graaf Dracula. Harker ontdekt dat er meer loos is met de Graaf dan slechts een bijzondere reactie op bloed. Al gauw wordt het niet alleen een kwestie van leven of dood voor Harker, maar ook voor zijn vrouw Mina en al hun familie en vrienden. Is Graaf Dracula, met al zijn vampirische krachten, nog te stoppen voordat het te laat is?

Adapted by Stephen Hotchner
Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado


{WHEN}2024/05/03 20:00 = 2024/05/04 13:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Amphitheatre, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82