{TITLE}Open Lessons{/TITLE}
{DESC}On the first 3 Tuesdays and Thursdays of the new academic year, Theatre Association NEST will have Open Lessons again! These lessons are a fun way to find out if theatre might be something for you! We have something for everyone, with both Dutch and English lessons, and 4 different groups. Even if you don’t want to be on stage, you are welcome to join, since we are always looking for people that can help behind the scenes with making props, decor, make-up, etc. Does this sound fun to you? Please come by!{/DESC}
//30 tekens
On the first 3 Tuesdays and Thursdays of the new academic year, Theatre Association NEST will have Open Lessons again! These lessons are a fun way to find out if theatre might be something for you! We have something for everyone, with both Dutch and English lessons, and 4 different groups. Even if you don’t want to be on stage, you are welcome to join, since we are always looking for people that can help behind the scenes with making props, decor, make-up, etc. Does this sound fun to you? Please come by or check below for more information!
You can sign up for the open lessons using the button below. Signing up is not mandatory (you can also just show up) but it helps us in preparation, to know how many people are coming.
{WHEN}2024/09/03 19:15 = 2024/09/05 19:15 = 2024/09/10 19:15 = 2024/09/12 19:15 = 2024/09/17 19:15 = 2024/09/19 19:15{/WHEN}
{RESERVE_EXCLUDE}2024/09/03 19:15 = 2024/09/07 19:15 = 2024/09/05 19:15 = 2024/09/12 19:15 = 2024/09/17 19:15 = 2024/09/19 19:15{/RESERVE_EXCLUDE}
{WHERE}Tuesdays: Amphitheatre, Vrijhof
Thursdays: Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}
TheatreLab (EN)
TUESDAY 3, 10 AND 17 SEP – 19:15 @ Amphitheatre, Vrijhof
Our TheatreLab group rehearses on Tuesdays and crafts complete performances from scratch. They write, act, build sets, props — every facet. The group will be led by Francesco Bekkema.
Does this seem like something you want to be part of? Join the open lessons in the first 3 weeks of the academic year on Tuesday the 3th, 10th and 17th of September at 19:15 in the Amphitheatre, Vrijhof.
Toneel (EN/NL)
THURSDAY 5, 12 AND 19 SEP – 19:15 @ Agora, Vrijhof
Toneel does script theatre and rehearses every Thursday. Coming year this group will be playing a play about World War I, where the two sides of the war will be played in different languages. So no matter which language you speak, or if you prefer to act in Dutch or English, you can join this group! The group is directed by Wout Hofstede.
Wanna join this play? Come to the open lesson on the first 3 Thursdays of the academic year, on September 5, 12 and 19. Check our website for more info on the other groups.
Musical (NL)
DINSDAG 3, 10 EN 17 SEP – 19:15 @ Amphitheatre, Vrijhof
Onze musical groep repeteert op dinsdagen en voert elk jaar een Nederlands stuk op aan het eind van het jaar. Komend jaar werkt musical aan een uitvoering van “The Wedding Singer”, een romantische komedie. Bij de musical groep wordt er met veel vrolijkheid hard gewerkt aan spel, zang en dans. Kom de sfeer proeven op een open les op de eerste 3 dinsdagen van het academisch jaar. De eerste open les zal focussen op acteren, de tweede op zang en de derde op dans. De musical groep wordt geleid door Marike Vijver en Saskia Hidding.
Lijkt het jou leuk om hier deel van uit te maken? Kom dan naar onze open lesson op dinsdag 3, 10 en 17 september om 19:15 in het Amphitheater, Vrijhof
InterNEST (EN)
THURSDAY 5, 12 AND 19 SEP – 19:15 @ Agora, Vrijhof
Our InterNEST group rehearses on Thursdays and performs an English play at the end of the year. This year InterNEST will be doing the play Speakeasy. This will be an immersive show, so the audience will actually be ‘immersed’ into the play. This show is about a party during the roaring twenties and the audience will be part of the show. The group is directed by Erik Goetjaer. Erik plans to work hard, but also bring a lot of fun into rehearsals.
The first open lesson will focus on natural acting. The second open lesson will be about stage combat. The final open lesson will focus on theatrical intimacy. You can find some details about how and why this will be discussed in the open lesson below.
Would you like a taste of what it is like? Join the open lessons in the first 3 weeks of the academic year at Thursday the 5th, 12th and 19th of September at 19:15 in the Agora, Vrijhof.
More details about the theatrical intimacy open lesson