Dracula promo - Nicolas Gonzalez

Open Lessons

{TITLE}Open Lessons{/TITLE}

{DESC}On the first 3 Tuesdays and Thursdays of the new academic year, Theatre Association NEST will have Open Lessons again! These lessons are a fun way to find out if theatre might be something for you! We have something for everyone, with both Dutch and English lessons, and 4 different groups. Even if you don’t want to be on stage, you are welcome to join, since we are always looking for people that can help behind the scenes with making props, decor, make-up, etc. Does this sound fun to you? Please come by!{/DESC}

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On the first 3 Tuesdays and Thursdays of the new academic year, Theatre Association NEST will have Open Lessons again! These lessons are a fun way to find out if theatre might be something for you! We have something for everyone, with both Dutch and English lessons, and 4 different groups. Even if you don’t want to be on stage, you are welcome to join, since we are always looking for people that can help behind the scenes with making props, decor, make-up, etc. Does this sound fun to you? Please come by or check below for more information!

You can sign up for the open lessons using the button below. Signing up is not mandatory (you can also just show up) but it helps us in preparation, to know how many people are coming.


{WHEN}2024/09/03 19:15 = 2024/09/05 19:15 = 2024/09/10 19:15 = 2024/09/12 19:15 = 2024/09/17 19:15 = 2024/09/19 19:15{/WHEN}

{RESERVE_EXCLUDE}2024/09/03 19:15 = 2024/09/07 19:15 = 2024/09/05 19:15 = 2024/09/12 19:15 = 2024/09/17 19:15 = 2024/09/19 19:15{/RESERVE_EXCLUDE}

{WHERE}Tuesdays: Amphitheatre, Vrijhof
Thursdays: Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}






TheatreLab (EN)

TUESDAY 3, 10 AND 17 SEP – 19:15 @ Amphitheatre, Vrijhof

Our TheatreLab group rehearses on Tuesdays and crafts complete performances from scratch. They write, act, build sets, props — every facet. The group will be led by Francesco Bekkema.

Does this seem like something you want to be part of? Join the open lessons in the first 3 weeks of the academic year on Tuesday the 3th, 10th and 17th of September at 19:15 in the Amphitheatre, Vrijhof.

Toneel (EN/NL)

THURSDAY 5, 12 AND 19 SEP – 19:15 @ Agora, Vrijhof

Toneel does script theatre and rehearses every Thursday. Coming year this group will be playing a play about World War I, where the two sides of the war will be played in different languages. So no matter which language you speak, or if you prefer to act in Dutch or English, you can join this group! The group is directed by Wout Hofstede. 

Wanna join this play? Come to the open lesson on the first 3 Thursdays of the academic year, on September 5, 12 and 19. Check our website for more info on the other groups.

Musical (NL)

DINSDAG 3, 10 EN 17 SEP – 19:15 @ Amphitheatre, Vrijhof

Onze musical groep repeteert op dinsdagen en voert elk jaar een Nederlands stuk op aan het eind van het jaar. Komend jaar werkt musical aan een uitvoering van “The Wedding Singer”, een romantische komedie. Bij de musical groep wordt er met veel vrolijkheid hard gewerkt aan spel, zang en dans. Kom de sfeer proeven op een open les op de eerste 3 dinsdagen van het academisch jaar. De eerste open les zal focussen op acteren, de tweede op zang en de derde op dans. De musical groep wordt geleid door Marike Vijver en Saskia Hidding.

Lijkt het jou leuk om hier deel van uit te maken? Kom dan naar onze open lesson op dinsdag 3, 10 en 17 september om 19:15 in het Amphitheater, Vrijhof

InterNEST (EN)

THURSDAY 5, 12 AND 19 SEP – 19:15 @ Agora, Vrijhof

Our InterNEST group rehearses on Thursdays and performs an English play at the end of the year. This year InterNEST will be doing the play Speakeasy. This will be an immersive show, so the audience will actually be ‘immersed’ into the play. This show is about a party during the roaring twenties and the audience will be part of the show. The group is directed by Erik Goetjaer. Erik plans to work hard, but also bring a lot of fun into rehearsals.

The first open lesson will focus on natural acting. The second open lesson will be about stage combat. The final open lesson will focus on theatrical intimacy. You can find some details about how and why this will be discussed in the open lesson below.

Would you like a taste of what it is like? Join the open lessons in the first 3 weeks of the academic year at Thursday the 5th, 12th and 19th of September at 19:15 in the Agora, Vrijhof.

More details about the theatrical intimacy open lesson


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The Crucible

{TITLE}The Crucible{/TITLE}

{DESC}Experience Salem´s horror in “The Crucible” as truth battles deception. Unveil dark secrets of the Witch Trials, where revenge and hysteria collide, challenging justice and morality. Delve into Salem´s tumultuous past, questioning societal norms.{/DESC}

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Written by Arthur Miller

In this horror-centric performance of “The Crucible”, the town of Salem becomes the location for a compelling interplay between truth and deception. Discover the dark and horrific secrets of the Salem Witch Trials, where personal desires for revenge intertwine with a mass hysteria that threatens to engulf everything in its path. Explore the justice, morality, and human resilience of the inhabitants of Salem which will make you question the very foundation of societal norms. Prepare for a journey where accusations fly and the struggle for truth continues at the core of Salem’s turbulent past.


{WHEN}2024/06/30 15:00 = 2024/07/01 19:15{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Amphitheatre, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}





Are you not able to pay in advance, but still want to make sure you have a seat? Reserve using the button below.

Check our Layman’s Guide to Show Etiquette


Carrie Poster16-9



{DESC}Carrie, een eenzame tiener, worstelt met pesten en een fanatiek religieuze moeder. Haar ontdekking van telekinetische krachten dwingt haar tot een confrontatie met haar pesters. Deze supernatuurlijke horrormusical is gebaseerd op het boek van Stephen King.{/DESC}

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Carrie is een eenzame tiener wiens grootste droom is om erbij te horen. Op school wordt ze gepest, wat een hoogtepunt bereikt als ze ongesteld wordt tijdens het douchen na gym. Bij haar moeder, doorgeslagen in haar religie, kan ze niet terecht. Zal ze haar telekinetische krachten durven te gebruiken als haar klasgenoten te ver gaan? Deze supernatuurlijke horrormusical is gebaseerd op het boek van Stephen King.

Muziek: Michael Gore / Liedteksten: Dean Pitchford / Script: Lawrence D. Cohen / Vertaling: Matthijs Vandekinderen & Ruben Vanden Broucke

Music published / licensed by:
© Concord Theatricals, Londen / Albersen Verhuur B.V., ‘s-Gravenhage


{WHEN}2024/06/20 20:00 = 2024/06/21 20:00 = 2024/06/22 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


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Is het niet mogelijk voor je om vooraf te betalen, maar wil je wel zeker weten dat je een plekje hebt? Reserveer een ticket hieronder.

Check our Layman’s Guide to Show Etiquette



Burnt Sugar

{TITLE}Burnt Sugar{/TITLE}

{DESC}Wake up babe, the new TheatreLab show just dropped! Burnt Sugar: A story of holding on and letting go; of the ones we love and the ones we don’t.{/DESC}

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TheatreLab presents: Burnt Sugar.

A story of holding on and letting go; of the ones we love and the ones we don’t.
When Kenna returns from a long stay in the hospital, she is met with a whirlwind of eccentric relatives. Her “welcome back” party quickly turns sour when Kenna reveals the unpleasant truth.
Her brother Oscar refuses to grapple with this cruel new reality and decides to make a gamble. The already flawed family threatens to unravel; a surge of old feuds, careless gossip, petty squabbles, and the construction of a house of cards.

After last year’s “The Worst One Yet” and “Fresh Start: A Space Show”, Theatrelab returns with an all new attempt at teetering the line between mystical absurdity, and grounded sincerity.
Theatrelab – a tight knit bunch of students led by Julia de Klerk and Jasper Kolnaar– are excited to show the result of a year’s worth of toil, sweat, and unhinged creativity.


{WHEN}2024/05/16 20:00 = 2024/05/17 20:00 = 2024/05/18 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82




Are you not able to pay in advance, but still want to make sure you have a seat? Reserve using the button below.


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{DESC}Jonathan Harker gaat naar Transsylvanië voor een vastgoeddeal met Graaf Dracula. Hij ontdekt de duistere geheimen van de Graaf en moet snel handelen om zijn geliefden te redden van het kwaad. Kan hij Dracula verslaan voordat het te laat is?{/DESC}

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Gebaseerd op het originele verhaal van Bram Stoker.

Jonathan Harker vertrekt naar Transsylvanië voor een vastgoedtransactie met Graaf Dracula. Harker ontdekt dat er meer loos is met de Graaf dan slechts een bijzondere reactie op bloed. Al gauw wordt het niet alleen een kwestie van leven of dood voor Harker, maar ook voor zijn vrouw Mina en al hun familie en vrienden. Is Graaf Dracula, met al zijn vampirische krachten, nog te stoppen voordat het te laat is?

Adapted by Stephen Hotchner
Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado


{WHEN}2024/05/03 20:00 = 2024/05/04 13:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Amphitheatre, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82



WhatsApp Image 2024-01-16 at 12.25.10_f498b302

She Kills Monsters

{TITLE}She Kills Monsters{/TITLE}

{DESC}The Own Initiative of NEST presents a heartfelt story of Agnes who finds a D&D module of her deceased sister Tilly. On this journey filled with tears as well as laughter, Agnes gets to know her sister as never before.{/DESC}

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Theatre Association NEST presents, in collaboration with Emoe Productions, a dramatic comedy filled with Dungeons and Dragons elements.

She Kills Monsters tells the story of Agnes Evans following the death of her teenage sister, Tilly. Agnes was never close to Tilly because they were interested in completely different things; Agnes loved mainstream pop culture, while Tilly had a passion for everything classified as nerdy or geeky, with a special love for Dungeons & Dragons. When Agnes finds Tilly’s Dungeons & Dragons notebook, however, she finds herself catapulted into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure in the imaginary world that was her sister’s refuge.

She discovers that Tilly was a well-known Dungeons & Dragons player, and that she was passionate about fantasy gaming. In order to unlock more secrets about her mysterious young sibling, Agnes recruits a “Dungeon Master” named Chuck to help her understand and grieve Tilly. As she delves deeper into her quest, the fantasy world and reality begin to collide and mix as Agnes searches to connect with Tilly and realizes how much of her sister she never knew.

Chock-full of varying characters designed by the players, She Kills Monsters is a surprisingly sweet tale of friendship, loss, and acceptance. In this high-octane dramatic comedy laden with homicidal fairies, nasty ogres, and 90s pop culture, acclaimed playwright Qui Nguyen offers a heart-pounding homage to the geek and warrior within us all.

“She Kills Monsters” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French inc. www.concordtheatricals.com


{WHEN}2024/02/17 15:00 = 2024/02/18 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard
€6,50 when in Cosplay{/PRICE}




Urinetown poster_final

Urinetown 2023


{DESC}Een hilarische musical satire waar je hoognodig naar toe moet{/DESC}

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Na een periode van grote droogte is het waterverbruik aan banden gelegd en moet men betalen om te mogen plassen. De arme bevolking heeft niet genoeg geld, er wordt streng gehandhaafd en de nood is hoog. Maar dan ontketent Bobby Goud een opstand tegen Reinhard W. Kleinhart, de directeur van het bedrijf dat het recht om te plassen beheert.
Bobby heeft namelijk van de lieve Lot geleerd naar zijn hart te luisteren. Dat Lot ook de dochter is van Kleinhart leidt tot aparte situaties.

Urinetown is een hilarische musical satire op kapitalisme, maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid, populisme, privatisering van natuurlijke hulpbronnen, bureaucratie, politiek, het rechtssysteem en het musical genre; waar je hoognodig naar toe moet!


{WHEN}2023/05/26 20:00 = 2023/05/27 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}




Medea square image



{DESC}NEST voert het beroemde verhaal van Medea op, maar dan in de moderne wereld.{/DESC}

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Het originele verhaal van Medea uit 431 vertelde hoe de koningsdochter Medea verliefd werd op prins Jason, die samen onderweg was om met de andere Argonauten het gulden vlies te halen. Zij trouwden en kregen twee kinderen. Tien jaar later wilde Jason trouwen met de dochter van de koning van Korinthe. Medea was het hier niet mee eens, en ze vermoordde de koning en zijn dochter. Daarna bracht ze haar eigen kinderen om het leven om Jason te straffen met kinderloosheid.

Echter zult u niet dit originele verhaal ten tonele zien verschijnen. In deze hedendaagse versie heeft Medea drie gezichten: de moeder, de echtgenote, en de vrouw. Anno 2023 lijdt ze aan bindingsangst en is ze psychose gevoelig. Haar net opbloeiende relatie met Jason zorgt ervoor dat haar psychose getriggerd wordt en ze wordt opgenomen in een psychiatrische inrichting. Waanbeelden teisteren haar en niemand kan haar helpen. Haar gedachten leiden haar het diepe in. Dit is haar verhaal.


{WHEN}2023/05/06 15:00 = 2023/05/07 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82



InterNEST picture

Midsummer Night’s Dream

{TITLE}Midsummer Night’s Dream{/TITLE}

{DESC}Games of fantasy, love and dreams ensue in Shakespeare’s most beguiling comedy{/DESC}

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On a Midsummer’s night, four young lovers find themselves wrapped in the dream-like arms of an enchanted forest where sprites lurk and fairies rule. While a feuding Fairy King and Queen are at war, their paths are crossed by Bottom, Quince and their friends presenting a play within a play. Chief mischief-maker Puck is on-hand to ensure that the course of true love is anything but smooth, and games of fantasy, love and dreams ensue in Shakespeare’s most beguiling comedy.


{WHEN}2023/06/23 20:00 = 2023/06/24 15:00 = 2023/06/25 15:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Agora, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}




fresh start poster

Fresh Start: A Space Show

{TITLE}Fresh Start: A Space Show{/TITLE}

{DESC}A cargo freighter on its way to the planet Phobos. A crew in charge of a failing ship with a disruptive cast of passengers. Will they be able to reach their destination when the long reaching arm of their corporate overlord throws them off course? Or will this be the beginning of the end?{/DESC}


A cargo freighter on its way to the planet Phobos. A crew in charge of a failing ship with a disruptive cast of passengers. Will they be able to reach their destination when the long reaching arm of their corporate overlord throws them off course? Or will this be the beginning of the end?

From the makers of The Worst One Yet comes a new exciting performance. Over a period of four months the group of ambitious students created their own original play. Attempting to combine having fun with intense dramatic moments through sheer unhinged creativity. The result: a blend of genres, humorous absurdity, and catastrophic meltdowns.


{WHEN}2023/06/11 15:00 = 2023/06/12 20:00 = 2023/06/13 20:00{/WHEN}

{WHERE}Amphitheater, Vrijhof{/WHERE}


{PRICE}€6,50 with UnionCard
€9,00 without UnionCard{/PRICE}





Captain Lauren Addams
Ground control to Major Addams, ready for liftoff. Captain Lauren Addams at your service, sit back and enjoy the trip.

Engineer Parker
Is the engine running? Is there enough fuel left? Is the coffee machine fixed? Parker, the engineer of this ship, has it all under control.

First Officer Russel
Incoming message from headquarters, the first officer has arrived on board. Make sure to follow orders and not disappoint the big boss.

Detective Frank Midnight
Something suspicious is going on… Will Detective Frank Midnight uncover the mystery? Or will he lose himself in the vastness of the universe?

Dr. Orion Bloomfled
Shhhh… be quiet, the plants are sleeping. Doctor Orion Bloomfled, expert in botany, is taking good care of them. Who needs friends when you can have plants?

It’s Killian, he’s in a band, Parasitic Resistor. Have you heard of them? They’re the next big thing, on their way to their biggest gig yet.

Rockstar Leah has what it takes to make it big, but is that what she really wants? Will she achieve her goals and get away with it?

Breathe in, hold, breathe out, repeat. Feeling stressed? Here’s Prana, a yoga enthusiast with a passion for making music. Namaste

Cara Harlow, journalist, investigator, CEO destroyer. On a mission to expose earth’s most despicable company man.

Jamie Carmichael, shop owner, chef, golden retriever. Chasing her lifelong dream of opening the best kebab shop in the cosmos.

This is Demi, a refugee long ago stranded in space, now hitching a ride on board. Just follow her instructions, don’t blow her cover and never mention her name, and you will be safe.

This is Robin Ellis, a stowaway in desperate need of reaching his destination, someone needs his help. Will he make it before it’s too late?

Got a box for delivery! Meet Fresh™ industries’ prime deliverer. Free shipping and no delays (except on working and non-working days)!